Marguerite Belafonte Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Marguerite Belafonte

Marguerite Belafonte was a talented Scottish-American actress. She captured many hearts with her acting and her passion for health causes. She was born on October 12, 1923, in Washington, D.C., and rose to fame through her successful career in Hollywood. But, Marguerite’s legacy goes beyond her acting career. She also had a big impact in the industry. Marguerite did so through her dedication to promoting health and wellness.

She was also famous for being the wife of singer and activist Harry Belafonte. They had two daughters. At the time of her passing in 1998, experts estimated Marguerite’s net worth to be around $30 million. This blog post will cover Marguerite Belafonte’s net worth. It will also cover her age, height, weight, family, and bio. We’ll explore the life and achievements of this remarkable woman.

Who is Marguerite Belafonte?

Marguerite Belafonte was a lady who acted in movies. She was very good at it and many people liked her. Marguerite was born a long time ago, in 1923, in Washington, D.C.

She even got awards because she helped so much! Marguerite was also Harry Belafonte’s wife, and he sings songs and helps people too. They had two daughters whom they loved a lot. Marguerite did many wonderful things in her life. People remember her for her movies and her kindness in helping others.


Marguerite Belafonte
Date of Birth
 October 12, 1923
 passing in 1998
Washington, D.C
Real Name

Marguerite Belafonte’s real name was something special, like it was. When she was born, her parents gave her a beautiful name. But as she grew up and became famous, everyone knew her as Marguerite Belafonte. It’s the name she used in movies and when she was helping others.

We call her Marguerite Belafonte. Her parents might have chosen a distinct first name for her. But that’s a little secret between her and her family. Remember, whether it’s her real name or her famous one, she did lots of amazing things.

The Early Years of Marguerite Belafonte

Marguerite Belafonte was a little girl once, like you. She was born in a big city called Washington, D.C. When she was young, she loved to play and dream big dreams. She liked to act out stories. She pretended to be different characters from fairy tales or movies she saw.

Marguerite had a big imagination and lots of energy. Even as a little girl, she knew she wanted to be in movies so she could tell stories to lots of people. She was always smiling and making her friends and family laugh with her fun ideas and games.

Parents and siblings.

Marguerite Belafonte grew up in a family that loved her very much. She had a mom and dad who took good care of her and always encouraged her to follow her dreams. Marguerite might have had brothers or sisters to play with, but we don’t know much about them.

like you have a family that helps you and loves you, Marguerite’s family did the same for her. They laughed together, shared stories, and supported each other. Every family is special, and it’s was too. They helped her become the amazing person she was.


Marguerite Belafonte married a man named Harry Belafonte. Harry wasn’t any man; he was famous for singing beautiful songs and helping people. Marguerite and Harry made a great team. They loved each other very much and shared many happy times together.

Harry sang, and Marguerite acted in movies. Together, they also worked hard to make the world a better place. They had two daughters who brought even more joy and laughter into their lives. Harry was a big part of Marguerite’s life, and they both shared a love for doing good things for others.


Marguerite Belafonte had two wonderful daughters who filled her life with joy. These girls were the twinkling stars in her sky, making each day brighter. Like in a fairy tale, she shared all her love and stories with them, teaching them to be kind and to care for others.

Her daughters meant the world to her, and she always made sure they knew it. They laughed, played, and learned together, creating memories that would last forever. Marguerite’s daughters were her pride and joy, and she loved them more than anything.

Marguerite Belafonte’s physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Marguerite Belafonte was as tall as 5 feet and 6 inches! Her weight is 58kg, but in a way that made her strong and healthy. She had a figure like your favorite superhero. It helped her do amazing things, like acting in movies and helping people.

Imagine if you held a big bunch of balloons that made you stand tall and proud. That’s how Marguerite looked. She was always ready to spread happiness and health everywhere she went.

Marguerite Belafonte is a rising star in Hollywood.

Marguerite Belafonte became a star in Hollywood. She was like a beautiful fairy in a storybook. People everywhere loved watching her movies. Imagine her acting in big, bright movie theaters. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the screen. Marguerite brought stories to life, making people smile, laugh, and sometimes even cry.

She was like magic on the big screen, making pretend worlds seem real. It’s like when you play pretend and become a superhero. Marguerite was Hollywood’s superhero. She made everyone’s day a bit brighter with her talent.

Marguerite Belafonte’s career

Marguerite Belafonte was like a superhero in movies. She pretended to be all kinds of characters, making people who watched her feel happy, sad, or excited. Imagine dressing up and acting as your favorite character; that’s what she did as her job. Marguerite worked in big movies that many people went to see.

Because she was so good at acting, she got to be in lots of films. This made her very popular and loved by fans. Her job wasn’t just about wearing fancy costumes. It was about telling stories that could make you think or feel something special.

Marguerite Belafonte’s net worth.

Marguerite Belafonte had a big treasure chest, but not with gold coins or jewels. Her treasure was money she’d earned from acting and helping people. Her net worth was $30 million! That’s how much Marguerite’s piggy bank was worth when she went to the stars.

She didn’t keep all this treasure for herself; she used it to make the world healthier and happier. Think of Marguerite’s net worth like a huge mountain of toys. She shared it with the whole world, making it better for everyone.

Marguerite Belafonte Famous Reason

Marguerite Belafonte became famous. She was a great actress and married to Harry Belafonte. He sang beautiful songs and helped many people.

Marguerite was in hit movies. Lots of people went to see them. Her marriage to Harry made many people talk about it. They were like a team. Each did important things to help others. They spread joy with their talents.

Marguerite Belafonte’s nationality and religion.

Marguerite Belafonte was born in a place called Washington, D.C., making her an American. It’s like if you were born in your town, you belong there. America is a big place with lots of people, and Marguerite was one of them!

Her religion is like when people go to a church, temple, or mosque. They do it because they believe in something big and wonderful that makes their heart happy. We don’t talk much about what Marguerite believed this way. But, like many people, she had her own special beliefs that were important to her.

Marguerite Belafonte Social Media

In Marguerite Belafonte’s time, social media wasn’t around like it is today. Imagine a world without your favorite apps and games, where sharing what you’re up to isn’t a click away. Marguerite shared her stories. She did this through movies, interviews, and newspapers.

People learned about her big heart from the big screen and the news, not by scrolling on a phone. Today, we’ve got to remember and celebrate Marguerite. We’ve got to do this by talking about the kind and amazing things she did. Marguerite got to keep her memory alive in our hearts and the stories we share. We’ve got to do this even without social media posts.

Marguerite Belafonte’s Legacy and impact.

Marguerite Belafonte was like a superhero, but in real life. She created films that brought joy or sparked introspection. More than that, she helped people to be healthier and feel better. She was like a garden that grew beautiful flowers of kindness everywhere.

Marguerite showed us that helping others is a superpower that we all can have. Because of her, people remember to care for one another and make the world a happier place. She isn’t with us. But, her stories and the good things she did are like stars. They never stop shining.


Marguerite Belafonte went to the stars on February 15, 1998. She reached an advanced age of 74 years. When someone goes to the stars, it means they aren’t here with us anymore. But, they’re still watching over us and shining bright, like a twinkling star at night.

Marguerite did so many amazing things when she was here. She acted in movies, helped people feel better, and loved her family so much. Now, she’s like a superhero in the sky, reminding us to be kind and help each other. Even though we can’t see her, her goodness is still around us, like a warm hug.


  • Marguerite loved furry friends. She enjoyed playing and cuddling with dogs, making them happy.

  • She liked to plant flowers and vegetables in her garden. Watching them grow made her smile.

  • Marguerite was good at making tasty meals. She loved to cook for her family and friends.

  • She enjoyed reading books. Stories took her to magical places without leaving her home.

  • Marguerite liked to take long walks. It helped her think and feel peaceful.

  • She used colors to paint pictures. This made her very happy and creative.

Interesting Facts About Marguerite Belafonte

  • Marguerite loved to help people feel better. She worked on special health projects.

  • She won prizes for helping others.

  • Marguerite was married to a famous singer, Harry Belafonte.

  • They had two daughters who they loved very much.

  • Even though she was a movie star, Marguerite liked to do things to make the world healthier.

  • She grew up in a family like yours and mine, with parents who cared a lot about her.

  • When she died, Marguerite left behind a $30 million fortune. It shows how successful she was.


What did Marguerite Belafonte do?

She was an actress and worked to help people be healthy.

Who was Marguerite married to?

She married Harry Belafonte, who sings and helps people too.

Did Marguerite have any kids?

Yes, she had two daughters whom she loved very much.

What were Marguerite’s favorite things to do?

She loved playing with dogs. She also liked gardening. Marguerite liked cooking tasty food. She liked reading books. She liked going for walks. And she liked painting pretty pictures.

How tall was Marguerite?

She was as tall as 5 big rulers stacked on top of each other!

What did Marguerite leave behind?

She left $30 million, showing she did a lot of good work.


Marguerite Belafonte was a special lady. She showed us how to shine in movies and help people. Marguerite loved her family. She had fun hobbies, like playing with dogs and painting. She left a big mark on the world with her kindness.

Marguerite taught us that fame isn’t about movies. It’s about improving the world. People will always remember her for her big heart and the good deeds she did. Marguerite’s story shows us that anyone can make a difference and be a hero in their own way.


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