Jason Cerbone Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Jason Cerbon

Jason Cerbone was born in  November 2, 1977 in America. At this time his age is 47 years old as of 2024. But, there is much more to this talented actor than meets the eye. In this post, we will dive into Jason Cerbone’s net worth, age, height, and weight. We’ll also cover his family and bio/wiki. We’re taking a closer look at his life in 2024. So, let’s get started and learn more about the man behind the characters we’ve grown to love on screen.

Who is Jason Cerbone?

Jason Cerbone is a man who acts in TV shows and movies, making believe he’s someone else for his job! When he was a little kid, younger than eight, he even modelled for pictures and was in music videos.

Jason Cerbon

Imagine being on TV when you’re that young! He took a break from acting to play and have fun with his friends, but came back to it after learning more in college. Jason gained recognition for playing a character named Jackie Jr. on the TV show “The Sopranos.” People liked his acting, and he became quite famous from it.


Jason Cerbone
Date of Birth
November 2, 1977
47 years old as of 2024

Real Name

Jason Cerbone’s real name is actually the same as the name everyone calls him—it’s Jason Cerbone! That’s right, the name he uses in movies and TV shows is his real name too. Sometimes actors use different names when they act, but not Jason.

He kept his own name for acting, like you might use your name at school and at home, Jason uses his name on TV and in real life. So, whenever you hear “it’s” Jason Cerbone, whether in a movie or a show, that’s him!

Early Life and Education

Jason Cerbone was a little boy who grew up in a place called Yonkers, New York. He lived there with his family, who loved him a lot. When Jason was your age, seven years old, he did something cool. He started modeling for photos and was in music videos! Can you imagine seeing yourself on TV at seven? As he got bigger, he went to school like you.

After high school, he decided to learn even more and went to college. That’s where he learned lots of new things before he became the actor we know today.

Parents and siblings.

Jason Cerbone grew up in a family that loved him a lot in a place called Yonkers. He wasn’t an only child, which means he had brothers or sisters to play and have fun with. We don’t know their names, but having siblings is like having friends who live with you all the time. You can play games together, share secrets, and help each other.

Jason’s mom and dad were always there for him, supporting him from the time he was modeling at age 7 and acting. Like your family, they were a big part of his life and helped him become who he is today.


Jason Cerbone got married to a lady named Beth in 2004. Beth is special to him, like your family is special to you. When people get married, they promise to be best friends forever. They vow to share everything and take care of each other. Like how you might have a best friend you share your toys and secrets with, Jason shares his life with it’s.

Jason Cerbon

They go to fun places together, laugh, and enjoy being with each other. It’s nice to have someone you can count on, and for Jason, that person is Beth.


Jason Cerbone has kids who look up to him like you might look up to your mom or dad. Kids bring lots of fun and laughter into a home, making every day a little adventure. It’s a great life, imagine. Jason gets to play, read stories, and go on fun outings with his children. They make cool memories together.

His kids think it’s neat that their dad is on TV! Being a parent means you have people to care for and love. For Jason, those people are his children.

Jason Cerbone physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Jason Cerbone stands tall at 6 feet, which is like stacking three big dogs on top of each other! His weight is 78 kilograms, about as much as a large refrigerator.

Jason Cerbon

Imagine trying to lift that! His body is strong and healthy because he takes good care of himself, eating right and staying active. Jason must be fit to do his acting duties. He must run and play many characters. It’s important to eat your veggies and play outside so you can be strong like Jason!

Jason Cerbone Before Fame

Before Jason Cerbone became a star on TV and in movies, he was a regular kid growing up. Imagine playing in your backyard. Or drawing your favorite cartoon. That’s what Jason did too! He lived in a place called Yonkers with his family, where he went to school and made friends like you.

One exciting thing about Jason’s early life was when he started modeling. He also appeared in music videos at the age of seven! Think about how cool it would be to see yourself on TV while still in elementary school. That’s how Jason’s journey in the world of acting and modeling began.

Jason Cerbone Career

Jason Cerbone started acting when he was very young, like when you play pretend. He played in a TV show called “The Sopranos.” Jason pretended to be Jackie Jr., a character many people liked. He also pretended to be someone else in a movie named “Cloverfield.”

Acting is like playing dress-up and make-believe for your job! Imagine getting to be a different person every day. That’s what Jason does! He acts out stories so we can watch them on TV or in movies and feel happy, scared, or excited. It’s a fun job that lets him tell stories without using a book.

Jason Cerbone Net Worth

Jason Cerbone has saved a lot of money from being on TV and in movies. It’s like how you might save your allowance for something special. Imagine having a piggy bank, but instead of being small, it’s big! That’s because Jason worked hard and did a great job acting.

People enjoyed watching him so much that he was able to earn $3 million. Think of all the toys and games you could buy with that! But Jason spends his money on things he needs for his family, and even saves some for rainy days.

Jason Cerbone Famous Reason

Jason Cerbone became famous for acting in a TV show called “The Sopranos.” He played Jackie Jr. The show was very popular, and many people watched it.

He also was in a big movie named “Cloverfield”, which was exciting and made him even more famous. People liked how Jason pretended to be different characters. When you act, you get to be someone else and tell a story. That’s what Jason did so well, and it’s why lots of people know who he is. He showed everyone how great he is at making believe and telling stories through acting.

Jason Cerbone’s nationality and religion.

Jason Cerbone is from a place called New York City, which is in a country named the United States. That makes him American! Jason comes from a place known for big buildings and lots of people. It’s like how some of your friends come from different places.

About his religion, it’s something very personal, and people believe in different things. He, like anyone else, might have his own beliefs that are special to him.

Jason Cerbone: Legacy and Impact

Jason Cerbone has made a big splash with his acting. It’s like when you throw a stone into a pond and watch the ripples spread out. Jason’s work on shows like “The Sopranos” has touched many people’s hearts. He plays make-believe well. Many folks remember him and the characters he’s brought to life.

It’s like when you do something good, and your friends and family are proud of you. Jason shows us that by doing what we love, we can leave a happy mark on the world. It’s like a beautiful painting that everyone enjoys.

Jason Cerbone Future Plains

Jason Cerbone has big dreams. You might have dreams of being an astronaut or a teacher. He wants to keep acting in more movies and TV shows. He wants to tell new stories that make people smile, laugh, and even cry a bit.

Jason also thinks about helping other people learn how to act because sharing what you know is a nice thing to do. He loves making movies and shows that families can watch together, sitting cozy on the couch. And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll see Jason in a brand new show or movie, bringing more fun stories into our homes.


  • Jason likes to play music. He loves songs and sounds.

  • He enjoys watching movies. He likes both funny and adventure films.

  • Jason loves to hang out with his friends. They play games and have fun.

  • He likes to travel with his family. They visit new places and see new things.

  • Jason enjoys reading books. He likes stories about heroes and adventures.

  • He loves sports. Playing basketball and soccer makes him happy.

  • Jason likes to draw and paint. He makes colorful pictures of things he likes.

Interesting Facts About Jason Cerbone

  • Jason was in music videos when he was little.

  • He was in videos for songs by Jon Bon Jovi and Suzanne Vega.

  • He started modeling at age 7 with a big company called Ford Modeling Agency.

  • Jason took a break from acting to hang out with his friends during his teen years.

  • He went back to acting after finishing college.

  • Jason was also in a movie named “Cloverfield”.

  • He got married to Beth in 2004.

  • Jason is tall – he is 6 feet high!


What does Jason Cerbone do?

Jason is an actor. He pretends to be different people on TV shows and in movies. He was Jackie Jr. on a show called “The Sopranos.”

Did Jason Cerbone ever stop acting?

Yes, he took a break when he was younger to spend more time with his friends. But after he finished school, he started acting again!

How tall is Jason?

He’s tall! Jason is 6 feet tall.

Who is Jason married to?

Beth is the name of Jason’s wife. They got married in 2004.

Does Jason like to do fun things?

Yes! Jason loves playing music. He also loves watching movies. He loves hanging out with friends and traveling. Jason loves reading books, playing sports, and making art.

Was Jason ever in a music video?

Yes, when he was little, he was in music videos for Jon Bon Jovi and Suzanne Vega.


In conclusion, Jason Cerbone is a talented actor and a wonderful person. He has been in cool TV shows like “The Sopranos” and movies like “Cloverfield”. He started acting and modeling when he was very young, a little older than you! Jason likes to do lots of fun things like play music, watch movies, and play sports.

He is very tall and has a happy family. Jason shows us that if you take a break from something you love, you can always come back to it later. Remember, it’s important to have fun with friends and family, just like Jason does.


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